Maewenn Allaire, Marketing Intern: The greatest internship of my life

By March 6, 2017Interns, News

Before coming to London for this internship I thought the 2 months would be very long; actually we are already approaching the moment to say goodbye.  Time has gone so fast, I can’t believe I was here for seven weeks.

At the beginning I was like the previous trainees I suppose, – stressed, afraid to be useless or not able to understand the English. Fortunately Rethink Interiors is a small company and the team were so welcoming so I felt more relaxed and comfortable quickly.

I spent a lot of good times here in London thanks to the team. There was the visit to the Contract Chair Company followed by a lunch, the Surface Design Show event that was really a pleasant moment where I discovered the Business Design Centre. It was really impressive to see all the stands about design; some of them had very innovative products. I think my favourite moment has been the dinner at Kenza in Liverpool Street, all was perfect; the atmosphere was so friendly and the Moroccan dinner very tasty. Moreover I appreciated the authentic belly dancers; it was entertaining with the oriental music.  Above all, how could I forget my birthday? Monday 27th of February I was nineteen and no one forgot it. When I arrived at the office, the girls had prepared a breakfast with homemade pancakes by Maddy, the best brownie of my life, a hot chocolate and a very cute card. The evening Ailsa and Maddy bringing me at the Sketches Bar, which is one of the most well known in London, I really loved it.

With this internship I realised the importance of networking with suppliers, to build a relationship with them that is always useful. I learnt how a small team works effectively, and I dream to work in the future in a small one like Rethink Interiors because the relationship between the team is very friendly and I like that.

I have one regret in this experience, I should’ve spoken much more English with the team, be chatty as I am in my usual life in France. I am not hanging out a lot with the girls after work as I was staying with a French friend. That’s why I didn’t improve my English, but I discovered the life of cohabitation and I will never regret it.

Accompanied by my friend we visited London every weekend, so now I can say I know the city like the back of my hand. We went to Oxford Street to explore all of its shops, Sky Garden, Soho, Covent Garden, Chinese New Year, a lot of museums and other very gorgeous places.

I fell in love with this big city and it has made me want to travel a lot, maybe for my next internship! This experience has been unforgettable mainly thanks to the Rethink Interiors team. Thank you for all girls, I will never thank you enough.